
AI Episode 5: The future of AI in medicine

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In the final episode of our Series on AI, we'd like to make date anof make a predictiondabout the role o AI in the next year and in 10 . Predictions are notoriously hard but are also extremely important for a startup like ours so here goes.

In the absence of a major breakthrough in machine learning (like deep learning was in recent years) or other areas of AI like natural language processing, the hype of AI will continue to decline. Innovation will not but it will be driven by more data, not substantially new problems being solved.

In the next 10 years though, a major breakthrough in computers' ability to extract information from texts such as scientific papers, books, clinicians' notes etc. This breakthrough will not be limited to medicine. It will have significant impacts on many industries and the way of life of many people. It will transform medicine too, and medical decision making especially.

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